An innovative approach to learning that puts students first

Take a look at the big picture structure that allows an Applied Learning model to thrive.
tiered teacher training

Prepare your team of educators with the proper tools and resources

Teachers are separated into two groups: teachers new to the applied learning model and teachers who have already taught a full year with the applied learning model.

Trainings are designed by experienced applied learning teachers and include gallery walks of past projects, applied learning principles, and utilization of the Critical Friends PLC model.

scaffolding year

Introduce your beginners to the applied learning mindset

At Applied Learning Academy (grades 6-8), sixth grade is a scaffolding year. All 6th grade Applied Learning Advisory classes are taught following a Curriculum Framework intentionally designed to equip the novices with the soft skills necessary to dive into more complex and independent projects. The first project is a completed as a class with a gradual release to full autonomy.

Applied Learning foundations and principles
Students learn what it is to be an applied learner and advocate for their own learning. These soft skills prepare them for the following years.
Adult models and outside audiences
Students are taught how to actively engage with public speakers, ask thoughtful questions, and be ambasadors for the school.
High-support designed projects
Teachers plan out projects that allow students to engage in the applied learning process. Students are supported through the project process by the teacher with "invisible hands". The concept of "invisible hands" is that students are encouraged to take the lead in planning and problem solving on a project while the teacher skillful asks questions to guide the project to a successful completion. Sometimes despite the teacher's guiding questions a project fails. Students discover during the teacher led debrief/reflection of the project that through failure great learning can happen.
on- level years

Advisory catalog

Once 6th grade students have gone through a school year of Advisory with high-support instruction, they are prepared for student choice and are presented with an Advisory catalog. They browse through the high interest topics and fill out an electronic form where they have to justify their top Advisory choices. Below are just some of the diverse options that have been available in the past.

Can't decide? Don't worry, there's more to choose from. View the full advisory catalog here!

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